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Nov 19, 2019
I have a plethora of questions but would like to begin here.
Ive been in the process of getting restorative work, e.g. crowns fillings, and now am
trying to figure out how to go about my dental work.
Treatment plan suggests restorations, ortho, gum graft and implant and more
How does one know how to go about a could treatment plan?

6 yrs ago i had an extraction #19 due to failed root canal, and post rootcanal pain x 2mo that i couldnt deal with any longer hence no fist molar that i miss dearly everyday.
I loved dentists prior to the failed root canal and extracion, now the dentist and my teeth are a great source of stress.

Long story short, or short story long.
My bite is off, i have recession, bone loss, verrry short roots on front teeth from ortho at 14, missing tooth, super sensitive teeth and in need of a night guard asap. I take very good care of my teeth, rinsing after eating, tooth mouse, gum rinse, salt water rinse different tooth brushes for times of the day.. the list goes on.

Do my xrays show that i am a candidate for an implant on this first molar? Should i go the route of a partial?
The dentist i see now wants to do all of these things and then the night guard last.
Makes no sense to me as all l need is to get an impression of the upper teeth so i have at least a barrier between my teeth at night.
Nov 19, 2019
I failed to mention that this tooth does go into remission (little or no nagging pain) and then return again only to go away again.
What does a sensitive tooth person like myself do when you have teeth like these that kind of mildy bug you a LOT..its like my teeth are never calm. Its definitely not my imagination.

I would love to go waaay out of the box and make a cool discovery about why its been this way for me. Ive thought that often times it can be due to stress or anxiety, but i know that its not that. I can be experiencing high stress and/or anxiety and my teeth are fine. Another possiblity is nutrition. Who knows it could be anything. But certainly our oral health has
an intimate relationship to our mental health...
any insight greatly appreciated.

Dec 18, 2019
I’m glad to hear you are getting better. Periodic pain could represent bunch of different conditions, like pulp tissues inflammation caused by any reason, Decay under existing restoration, tooth fracture or excessive bite forces on this side and specifically this tooth. Someone needs to take a look and conduct differentiation customized to your situation diagnostic.

Nov 19, 2019
Thank you.
When you say differentiation do you mean sensitivity test (tap tap cold cold) or something else?
When the denstis did the comp buccal filling on 30 would the dentist not have been able to see hidden decay? or possibly not if it was only a side filling.
It could be also simply the mild pulp inflammation that never really settles down..so mildly bothering me all the time. Its probably that.
Fun times.


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