My teeth are "Beyond Help".. (Photos!)

Jan 20, 2014
I visited a dentist who specialises in Invisaline braces. I'm 24 years old and a mother and I thought I could hide the fact that I'm an adult with braces by getting invisible ones. I'm not eligible for them, and possible braces at all because I have an overbite and my jawline is misaligned, and according to that dentist, my teeth are 'Beyond Help'.

Could someone here please give me some hope? Here's some info about my teeth:
  • I have an overbite
  • My two front teeth are crossed, this bothers me the most.
  • My bottom few teeth are crossed, this bothers me second most.
  • I have a baby tooth, AND the adult tooth that should have replaced the baby tooth, in my mouth/showing.
  • 15 teeth on the bottom, 16 on the top.
  • Apparently I need my jaw realigning. This scares me. Is it required, definitely? Does it hurt?
  • I have tooth decay on one, tooth, which needs fixing soon (when I get the courage to go to the dentist again).
I have attached photos of my teeth. Cringe. They bring me a lot, LOT, of embarrassment. I'm ashamed of them, and my parents for not fixing this when I was 12 years old and could get it done for free. They agree they neglected my teeth and I've not quite forgiven them for it, and won't until my teeth are at least DECENT.

I'd even be happy with just my front teeth uncrooked. Is that at least possible? Please, PLEASE help me. I really feel that my awful teeth, or possibly my self conscious attitude, is the reason behind the fact that I have literally no friends, was bullied as a child, only attended the first year of high school and my mum 'attempted' to home school me, which didn't do me any good. I'm now a mum and I've never had a job, I have no education except for some college qualifications (no GCSE's) and I'm just so miserable, all because of my teeth.

I'm very lucky to have my husband who fell in love with me despite my god awful teeth, and we've made two beautiful children, who will probably inherit my funky teeth. Though I won't make the same mistake my parents did - as soon as they're eligible for braces, if they need them, they will have them.


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Jan 30, 2014
I visited a dentist who specialises in Invisaline braces. I'm 24 years old and a mother and I thought I could hide the fact that I'm an adult with braces by getting invisible ones. I'm not eligible for them, and possible braces at all because I have an overbite and my jawline is misaligned, and according to that dentist, my teeth are 'Beyond Help'.

Could someone here please give me some hope? Here's some info about my teeth:
  • I have an overbite
  • My two front teeth are crossed, this bothers me the most.
  • My bottom few teeth are crossed, this bothers me second most.
  • I have a baby tooth, AND the adult tooth that should have replaced the baby tooth, in my mouth/showing.
  • 15 teeth on the bottom, 16 on the top.
  • Apparently I need my jaw realigning. This scares me. Is it required, definitely? Does it hurt?
  • I have tooth decay on one, tooth, which needs fixing soon (when I get the courage to go to the dentist again).
I have attached photos of my teeth. Cringe. They bring me a lot, LOT, of embarrassment. I'm ashamed of them, and my parents for not fixing this when I was 12 years old and could get it done for free. They agree they neglected my teeth and I've not quite forgiven them for it, and won't until my teeth are at least DECENT.

I'd even be happy with just my front teeth uncrooked. Is that at least possible? Please, PLEASE help me. I really feel that my awful teeth, or possibly my self conscious attitude, is the reason behind the fact that I have literally no friends, was bullied as a child, only attended the first year of high school and my mum 'attempted' to home school me, which didn't do me any good. I'm now a mum and I've never had a job, I have no education except for some college qualifications (no GCSE's) and I'm just so miserable, all because of my teeth.

I'm very lucky to have my husband who fell in love with me despite my god awful teeth, and we've made two beautiful children, who will probably inherit my funky teeth. Though I won't make the same mistake my parents did - as soon as they're eligible for braces, if they need them, they will have them.

Hi, Purple Bunny,
Have you considered crowns?, They can reshape your teeth and make you smile look much better. The best ones out there are zirconium ones they last forever with good care i suppose. I know its not cheap, i travelled abroad to have my teeth done. I went to Turkey, they were great, had my new smile in 5 days and it looks so natural. was cheaper than braces too and got a great tan!! haha but you could try them for a quote, they can email it to you. just send an enquiry online. I hope this helps!!
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Feb 1, 2014
Make sure you are going to an orthodontist. They actually specialize in straightening teeth. General Dentists have the ability to "specialize" in Invisalign, but it doesn't mean they are orthodontists. Just my two cents. Go visit a few and get some advice from several.

Good luck! Don't lose hope just yet.

Feb 5, 2014
hey I think you need a good cosmetic dentist who can able to handle your critical teeth..consult with 2-3 dentist and then choose best dentist to your teeth..:);)

Feb 24, 2014
I suggest you to prefer well experienced orthodontists for your critical dental care.
they can treat you with best solution like invisalign or else to improve your smile.


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