Fixing cracked tooth

Dec 18, 2015

I have sensitivity in one of my teeth when i chew certain food on it (bottom molar), usually harder style of food. I went to the dentist who said it was cracked and he removed the old filling and put in a new one. Doesn't seem to have worked though as it is still sensitive. What should i do now? I'm only 36 so i don't really want to lose a tooth.
Dec 19, 2015
I would say it always depends on the situation, and your dentist is the only one who can tell for sure since he can see how much tooth structure you have lost. if the crack was big where you have a near pulp exposure and the pulp is still vital, your dentist probably added some calcium hydroxide under the filling to give some time for the pulp to defend it self. so the tooth might be sensitive for few days but then if the sensitivity fades away that mean his plan has worked. again it is all depend on the situation, this is just one possibility. there are some complex restoration that can be done on a fractured tooth, they are usually filling supported by pins, if you have one or more cusps of your tooth broken but you still have enough tooth structure. you may also need some endodontic treatment if the pulp is exposed and dead but your dentist would have told you that if that has already happened.
Best advice is to go back to your dentist if the sensitivity remains, and ask him what is the best way to proceed, I won't worry much about loosing the tooth if your dentist haven't mention anything about loosing the tooth or haven't told you that it is even a possibility
Good luck and hope your tooth get better.

Dental Student.

Dec 18, 2015
Thanks. I need to travel for three weeks shortly, do you think it's ok if i wait until i get back? Just a bit worried about a toothache although the dentist said he sealed it and flushed the tooth.

Dec 19, 2015
Thanks. I need to travel for three weeks shortly, do you think it's ok if i wait until i get back? Just a bit worried about a toothache although the dentist said he sealed it and flushed the tooth.

The sensitivity after a tooth filling should resolve within few weeks and that is normal if the filling was too deep. I'm assuming you are still within this range of time and haven't passed it, also your bite is ok (you don't feel the tooth is high when you close your mouth). if you are sensitive to hot, cold, sweet, and pressure, try to avoid them for now, also use desensitizing dentifrice (Tooth paste) such as Sensodyne, you can buy some over the counter pain meds to help relieve the toothache. Have a safe flight, and if the sensitivity persist after few weeks, please re-visit your dentist to make sure everything is ok.


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