Fixing a bite strategy

Nov 16, 2017
My bite has been off for many years and I have insane bruxism. I've got two plans from two dentists on how to fix this. I'm biting on the inside teeth, and it seems my front teeth and back molars don't touch each other.

One dentist wants to adjust the eight teeth that are taking the force of my bite down lower so my bite is more evenly distributed. The other wants to build up all the other teeth higher (with crowns) to make them even.

Both options scare me for different reasons. Taking the teeth lower involves no new crowns, and is far less expensive, but I worry that my current situation is actually protecting my molars and front teeth from my bruxism, and I might start doing more widespread damage after that happens. The other option seems better in the sense that we're not grinding down teeth, but is much more expensive, and I'm concerned about getting a ton of new crowns.

Any thoughts? I'm very conflicted.

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