Dental advice please.Tooth pain or pressure even after 8 months of cavity fillings

Feb 11, 2019

I had 4 tooth cavity fillings in the month of June 2018. The numbers are 13,14,15,19.

I had severe sharp pain after the fillings done and I went to my dentist and he filed down the high fillings. I went for four visits as I always feel some discomfort or some pressure in the left lower side of my mouth. He filed down the extra in my 3 visits and in the 4th visit, he said there might be bubbles inside the filling and the filling has to be replaced.

I am always do nervous about dental visit and this was my first cavity filling done in my life. So, I was worried about doing it again. He told that it has to be redone to the tooth number 19.He didn't take any x-rays.

I am so worried and didn't go back to the dentist. I still get the pain or pressure feeling in my lower left side of the mouth. I am not sure if it's because of the air bubbles in the tooth number 19 or the fillings done in the upper left side tooth too. I am not sure which one is causing problem. How to identify the air bubbles in the cavity filling? What should do I do now?

kindly please help me with your advice. It really makes me nervous.

Thank you!


Verified Dentist
Jun 14, 2018
Teeth with no fillings will always be better than teeth with fillings. It is hard to predict any issues...most are your teeth gets sensitive to cold air or water. It is hard to predict how long they will last. As long as you don't have any cavities under the fillings or if the fillings don't crack, the fillings can be left alone.

Unfortunately, in the US, you can get scammed very easily. Other industries where you can easily get scammed is car mechanics and home contractors. That is why I try to make friends in most industries so I can get second opinions.

Feb 11, 2019
Teeth with no fillings will always be better than teeth with fillings. It is hard to predict any issues...most are your teeth gets sensitive to cold air or water. It is hard to predict how long they will last. As long as you don't have any cavities under the fillings or if the fillings don't crack, the fillings can be left alone.

Unfortunately, in the US, you can get scammed very easily. Other industries where you can easily get scammed is car mechanics and home contractors. That is why I try to make friends in most industries so I can get second opinions.
Thank you so much for your reply. I really appreciate it @honestdoc.
I regret now that I did 4 unnecessary fillings and that's giving me issues till now.
I have few issues going on after the fillings done.
Is correcting the fillings issue resolves this? What is the treatment for this issue?
1. Fillings issue, which gives some discomfort.
2. Upper and lower teeth not meeting properly.
3.front teeth move little forward than before.
4. Popping sound in left side ear when opening mouth.
I am experiencing all these after the fillings done. I did my fillings 8 months back. Are all these inter-related? Is the void in fillings cause so many issues? Please help.

Feb 11, 2019
Hi @honestdoc and @MattKW,
I went to a different dentist today for consultation/second opinion. I got a severe pain in my left side jaw( near the ears) past week and its still there. So, I went to check that and also the fillings discomfort( bite misalignments and pressure like feeling) which I have from the recent dental filling work.

The new dentist checked the fillings and said it's fine. Bite looks normal. She took an x-ray to see those teeth. She didn't know the reason for the pain in my left jaw side. She told me to remove the left upper wisdom tooth and check if the pain goes .Also, she suggest me to do either root canal or crown for the upper back tooth. I have a filling on that now. She said, we normally do either root canal or crown for the back tooth. So, she referred me to a endotonsist. I remember my previous dentist said all my cavities are small and need a small filling. Now, she told me that I have a high filling on upper back tooth and that should be replaced with either root canal or crown. May be that's the reason for my pain.

I am attaching the x-ray images taken today. Please check and let me know does it really require root canal?



Verified Dentist
Mar 18, 2018
Those upper fillings are small and shouldn't give any pain. There is no indication of why an RCT or crown would be of any use. I don't know what other tests the dentist performed to check the status of your teeth. Go to a reputable endodontist for an opinion.
There's a dark area at the front end of the wisdom tooth root, but no clear clue to suggest if it's a lesion or simply an artifact. I don't even understand what the dentist was hoping to see with these Xrays if other tests came up normal (sensibility, percussion, probing, transillumination, and history). Some people seem to go on fishing expeditions with Xrays. Go see an endodontist...

Feb 11, 2019
Those upper fillings are small and shouldn't give any pain. There is no indication of why an RCT or crown would be of any use. I don't know what other tests the dentist performed to check the status of your teeth. Go to a reputable endodontist for an opinion.
There's a dark area at the front end of the wisdom tooth root, but no clear clue to suggest if it's a lesion or simply an artifact. I don't even understand what the dentist was hoping to see with these Xrays if other tests came up normal (sensibility, percussion, probing, transillumination, and history). Some people seem to go on fishing expeditions with Xrays. Go see an endodontist...View attachment 2349
Thank you so much @MattKW.
She didn't do any other test apart from an x-ray.
Do I need to do root canal to the wisdom tooth(16)? Or can I remove it?
She suggested root canal for the tooth number 15 because she felt that may be the reason for the left jaw joint pain.



Verified Dentist
Mar 18, 2018
If you either remove a tooth or extract it without good cause, there is absolutely no guarantee that you will relieve the pain. What if it isn't of dental origin? This current dentist has no clue about pain differentiation.
  • I have already suggested replacing the composites with amalgam as a simple trial - you haven't done that.
  • I said twice in the last message to see an endodontist - you obviously haven't done that.
  • What more do you want from an internet advice site?

Feb 11, 2019
If you either remove a tooth or extract it without good cause, there is absolutely no guarantee that you will relieve the pain. What if it isn't of dental origin? This current dentist has no clue about pain differentiation.
  • I have already suggested replacing the composites with amalgam as a simple trial - you haven't done that.
  • I said twice in the last message to see an endodontist - you obviously haven't done that.
  • What more do you want from an internet advice site?
They will not do amalgam filling here. Checked with few other dental offices and everyone said that they do only composite. I think I should check in some other state or country. I just got the referral for endontist and I will check with them.
We can't see the endontist without a referral in the USA. Thanks for your inputs.

Feb 11, 2019
If you either remove a tooth or extract it without good cause, there is absolutely no guarantee that you will relieve the pain. What if it isn't of dental origin? This current dentist has no clue about pain differentiation.
  • I have already suggested replacing the composites with amalgam as a simple trial - you haven't done that.
  • I said twice in the last message to see an endodontist - you obviously haven't done that.
  • What more do you want from an internet advice site?
Hi @MattKW,
I just have a quick question.
Do you see any air bubbles in the xray?
How to identify that?
My previous dentist told me that there may be air bubbles in the filling and I have to redo. Please let me know if I have air bubbles.

Dec 6, 2017
Yes amalgam is banned in parts of the world. But it's actually a much better material than composite which takes a long time to settle. You could ask for a gold filling. I don't think that is banned yet. But most dentists push composite which I think is nasty stuff.

Feb 11, 2019
You can go to the first dentist and request new x-rays and post them here and I or Dr. MattKW can look at them.
Hi @honestdoc,
I have been to a new dentist and attached the new x-rays. Please take a look and let me know if there are any air bubbles in the filling and does it require root canal (#15). I really appreciate your inputs.
Thank you.

Feb 11, 2019
Yes amalgam is banned in parts of the world. But it's actually a much better material than composite which takes a long time to settle. You could ask for a gold filling. I don't think that is banned yet. But most dentists push composite which I think is nasty stuff.
Thank you so much @Busybee.
Are you a dentist? Really appreciate your inputs for my queries.


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