Advice for a trainee dental nurse

Jul 8, 2020
Hey guys!

I've completed my first day as a trainee dental nurse today and loved it.
I have to go through a 3 month trial to prove to my boss that I am the right person for the job.

I've been stressing in case I dont pick things up quick enough and they get rid of me but I heard by my boss that this wont be the case and they look to see if you've got a good attitude and a passion for this career.

I'm really passionate in this career and I'm gonna try my hardest to show that I'm the right person for this job.

Is there any advice that you guys can give to help me out and show to my boss that I really want this?

Thank you for your time and I hope that you guys are well!


Verified Dentist
Jun 14, 2018
I think your good attitude and passion will help you land the job. You won't be able to get every detail early on but as you continue your training, you will find yourself gaining valuable experience.

Jul 17, 2020
You seem very enthusiastic and passionate about the job already so continue to stay in that spirit. What helped me whilst I was training was; to be patient with myself, I wanted to be quick like the other nurses straight away but I had to remind myself with time that would come and it did. Always go the extra Mile dentist love when you are prepared and when you think before they ask for something or do something for them they wasn’t expecting that could be simply giving them an instrument before the ask or getting them a coffee or just being interested in what they are doing. And finally know your dentist well you may work with different dentist or just one but it helps when you adapt to best suit the dentist your working with that way they will love you and want to keep you as their own. All the best, stay strong and remember your the positive energy needed from the dentist and patient :D


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