a couple of questions about deep cleaning

Mar 16, 2015

I'd like to have a couple of questions that make me confused.

1. Is ''Root planing and scaling '' effectively the same thing as ''Deep cleaning'' ?? Could they refer to different things sometimes??

2. Is the 'Deep cleaning' offered by a general dentist different from the that of the periodontist? In my city, the deep cleaning service offered by a general dentist and a periodontist have a 4 to 5 times difference!! A general dentist asks for $1200 USD but the periodontist asks for $5500 USD!!

I asked the periodontist about the difference, he said periodontists have ''different'' skills and ''different'' levels of cleaning, and more professional..... but they didn't tend to explain how different they are and how more professional they are.

If they really make a big difference, I may spend a bit more.


Verified Dentist
Sep 26, 2014
Scaling is the other name for tooth cleaning.

It can be done to clean the calculus or stains attached to the teeth at :
  1. Above the gum line (Supra-gingival) and
  2. Below the gum line (Sub - gingival)
When it is done below the gum line,it can be called a deep scaling to some extend. Infact, almost all scaling cases are done at subgingival and supragingival levels.
In further advanced cases, root planing is done to do scaling at a level as deep as a part of the root.

If the curettage is done without reflection the gums surgically,its called a closed curettage and if its done after reflecting the gums for better exposure,its called an open curettage.

So,depending upon the type of treatment mentioned above,the cost can vary.In short,what is determining the cost here is "how deep".

And, periodontists are the dentists who are specialized in this kind of treatment.But that DOES'NT really mean that a advance trained and experienced general dentist CAN NOT offer the treatment at the same 'skill'.

Thanking you
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Mar 16, 2015
Scaling is the other name for tooth cleaning.

It can be done to clean the calculus or stains attached to the teeth at :
  1. Above the gum line (Supra-gingival) and
  2. Below the gum line (Sub - gingival)
When it is done below the gum line,it can be called a deep scaling to some extend. Infact, almost all scaling cases are done at subgingival and supragingival levels.
In further advanced cases, root planing is done to do scaling at a level as deep as a part of the root.

If the curettage is done without reflection the gums surgically,its called a closed curettage and if its done after reflecting the gums for better exposure,its called an open curettage.

So,depending upon the type of treatment mentioned above,the cost can vary.In short,what is determining the cost here is "how deep".

And, periodontists are the dentists who are specialized in this kind of treatment.But that DOES'NT really mean that a advance trained and experienced general dentist CAN NOT offer the treatment at the same 'skill'.

Thanking you

Thank you Doctor

I have consulted by my periodontist if I can look for a general dentist elsewhere to practice deep cleaning, he didn't answer directly but he said something like - '' we can provide a better skills and we will also use some medicine and we might do some small surgery to your gum'

(sorry he didn't speak English and I might not translate very correctly)

But he emphasizes that the advanced type of treatment like open surgery with GTR or GTB is definitely NOT applicable to me, because my periodontitis is in the middle of ''Beginning" and "Moderate"

I am a bit confused.

1. Does deep cleaning require ''some medicine'' ? Could deep cleaning offered by different people have different or no medicine??

2. Could a periodontist provide better deep cleaning by providing better or more special medicine or injection during the process??

3. While deep cleaning is a non-surgical type, why he said he might do some ''operation'' to my gum?? His usage of words something means ''surgery'' but not very exactly.

4. Does the procedure, medicine used, and other details of deep cleaning vary very much between different doctors/dentists/periodontists????

Doctor, I hope you can understand my concern , Of course I want to receive the treatment from my periodontist/ his helpers, since he is very professional, but the price he quotes to me is 2-2.5 times more expensive, that is up to USD 3000 difference, but if it REALLY could make MORE difference, I will always put health at first place.

Thank you



Verified Dentist
Sep 26, 2014
Deciding which doctor to consult is completely your choice.Once you decide about it,have trust in his treatment.As your periodontist has already stated that your periodontitis is just in the "beginning to moderate" level,proper care can restore it back to health.Kindly post a pic of your OPG x-ray image for further comments.

Don't be panic or confused. Your dentist can surely explain things to you in a better manner to avoid the confusions.

Doctor, I hope you can understand my concern ,
Sure, if you have still any doubts, you can dial me on +91 9895 390 730. But i always feel that,discussion on the forums can help educate more people,as many others do read the discussions here.

Mar 16, 2015
Deciding which doctor to consult is completely your choice.Once you decide about it,have trust in his treatment.As your periodontist has already stated that your periodontitis is just in the "beginning to moderate" level,proper care can restore it back to health.Kindly post a pic of your OPG x-ray image for further comments.

Don't be panic or confused. Your dentist can surely explain things to you in a better manner to avoid the confusions.

Sure, if you have still any doubts, you can dial me on +91 9895 390 730. But i always feel that,discussion on the forums can help educate more people,as many others do read the discussions here.

They have talked to me and explained that it's USD 5300 for 4 quadrant of deep cleaning, that include some checkups, followups and some xrays.

Is it a bit overpriced?

of course I trust this periodontist, if I were very rich, I wouldn't hesitate going for him, but now I am not, and I don't know if USD 5300 for deep cleaning is very much overpriced



Verified Dentist
Sep 26, 2014
dear friend,
Pricing at ones practice depends on various components and i feel it quite un-ethical to comment on the price tag of another dentists practice.

And more over,the prices abroad can never be compared to that in India. Here,the usual treatment charges for the above said treatments will be lesser than 1/10th of what you had been quoted with - a reason why, the field of dental tourism is emerging in India.

(If you can't really afford it in Hongkong, you can think of having a vacation for a week or two at the scenic hill tops or green health ayurvedic resorts of kerala, and get your periodontal treatment done mean while. The complete package including air tickets would cost lesser than the quoted amount.)

Mar 16, 2015
dear friend,
Pricing at ones practice depends on various components and i feel it quite un-ethical to comment on the price tag of another dentists practice.

And more over,the prices abroad can never be compared to that in India. Here,the usual treatment charges for the above said treatments will be lesser than 1/10th of what you had been quoted with - a reason why, the field of dental tourism is emerging in India.

(If you can't really afford it in Hongkong, you can think of having a vacation for a week or two at the scenic hill tops or green health ayurvedic resorts of kerala, and get your periodontal treatment done mean while. The complete package including air tickets would cost lesser than the quoted amount.)

hi, in general, how is the hygiene standard of dentistry in India?

and I wish to know, not only in Hong Kong or India

Is it possible or is there any known case that dentist or periodontist does not deep clean his patient very completely (because of they are lazy , they are busy, they are without patient, and still let a lot of dirty shit left inside???? )

This might be something I concern most
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