Lower right jaw / ?? tooth ache

May 17, 2020
Hello, suddenly today I have had a lower right jaw ache come on. There was nothing particular that stands out to have caused this. it is a dull ache generally but when I swallow its more noticeable. I haven't been to the dentist for 2 years was meant to go last year but practice cancelled the appointment and never got a new one through, however I do have relatively good dental hygiene, only 1 filling in 32 years and when I did go to dentist they always commented on how good my teeth were. I have looked at the teeth in the mirror and they look fine nothing obvious like a crack etc. When tapping or touching the teeth again nothing of concern, and when I clench my teeth I also get no pain. The pain doesn't change when I have hot or cold drinks. When looking at the gum area I don't seen anything particularly inflamed or red. When I touch the gum area I get no pain. Its very weird just this sudden dull ache that has appeared form almost no where. One thing to note is that for the past 4 months I have been having a clicking noise coming from the right side of my Jaw when eating, up until now I have had no pain in the jaw with this issue. And now as I write this when I try and open my mouth as wide as possible I would say the ache in the jaw is worse. I'm worried it could be an abscess primarily as the dental practices are really limited at the moment with covid. But at the same time with all the other things that I have mentioned I am no sure if it is. any advice or input would be really appreciated to try and help me until I can get to dental practice.
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Verified Dentist
Jun 14, 2018
It's hard for me to diagnose your problem. As long as a dentist clear you of any teeth or gum problems, I'm suspecting your pain coming from the Right TMJ. Did you have any history of trauma in the area, orthodontic treatment, and or grinding and clenching? You can try the OTC night guard and if it is helping, consider custom bite guard.


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