Duration of brushing is long due to OCD - Looking for some practical advice

Oct 6, 2023

I thought I might post on a dental forum to see if anyone, particularly dentists, could offer me some practical advice/and or solutions on how I can get the time it takes to brush my teeth down. What I am looking for is advice on how to think more logically about what it means to brush teeth (e.g. why we do it and what is needed). I think if I can think more logically about it, then I can get the time down back to normal. I understand already that plaque is a very soft substance and is easily removed through gentle brushing. I remind myself of this everytime I brush, but it doesn't seem to be enough. So yes, any information like this, or any advice on tangible solutions to get the time down would be appreciated.

So, the current issue is that, due to OCD, it is taking me a very long time to brush my teeth (between 1 to 1.5 hours). I understand the potential consequences of brushing for this long and that is why I am very careful/gentle and only use a extremely soft bristled brush made by a periodontist. There is NO aggressive brushing at all. In fact, prior to this specific OCD developing, my old brushing method (which was around 3 minutes) was so bad that it caused receding gums. The irony is that this new routine is so gentle but it's taking a very long time due to OCD/fatigue. Over time a routine/order has developed that is specific and takes so long. The thing with brushing teeth is that you need some sort of method (routine) in order to brush thoroughly and this is where I think I am getting stuck. Although 1.5 hours sounds like a long time, I want to make it clear that I am not brushing one area for countless minutes; it's just that the WHOLE routine takes this long. There is various steps from start to finish to cover all my teeth if that makes sense. Again, I am fully aware of the consequences of excessive brushing. Despite the OCD, I am generally not running into any issues apart from some mild sensitivity on the teeth surface and gums. Everything seems ok.

Things I am trying to do are:
  • watching YouTube videos of dental hygienists brushing their teeth and trying to copy them
  • letting go of being perfect and accepting that I may have missed a spot
  • getting ok with distractions while brushing
I'm also working with a mental health professional, but so far nothing seems to be reducing the time. This is why I started to think outside the box and thought it might be a good idea to ask for some advice on a dental forum.

I've read on reddit that some people have used a timer. However, I haven't used a timer yet as I feel that might stress me out.

I want this activity to become unconscious again. I used to not think about brushing my teeth and had no dental issues. Now when I brush my teeth I can't be distracted by anything otherwise I get doubts about if I have brushed a spot or not.


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