Daily pulsating pain in mouth dentist cant work out what it is

Aug 2, 2020
Hope someone can help. My Husband is suffering with daily mouth pain. It started after starting jogging and keeping fit ready for a 10k run. Initially a bit of enamel peg came out from bottom front tooth that dentist had put in during lockdown. No pain or issues at this point so took first appointment which was 2 months away. Carried on jogging a few times but then started to get mouth pain. Eventually got in to dentist who thought initially the front tooth and rebooked back in a further 2 months for start of root canal.

Pain got worse got emergency appointment dentist drilled into tooth and patched up some way. Got worse again had to get another emergency appointment this time did xray can only see a slight change on gum/tooth aside of one drilled into.

Dentist doesn’t think that is the cause put on antibiotics but not solved anything just made hubby feel worse.

Now he is getting pretty down with the constant pain and tiredness with no obvious solution.

The pain /discomfort keeps moving now from front tooth to further round jaw and sometimes on top and into throat. Always left side.

Anyone had anything similar with an outcome?

He had something which seemed similar during lockdown and there was never an outcome he ended up in pain for 18mths back then and it somehow eventually eased. He can’t face another 18 mths of pain again!
Aug 2, 2020
Unfortunately we don’t. The dentist said she noticed that a tooth that had what looked like slight infection or something on previous xray re lockdown seemed to have a bit more or changed slightly on the current xray. She didn’t think it would be that causing it though.

Starting to think its a nerve or something. Could running dislodge or trigger an issue as it seems to have triggered from then.


Dr M

Verified Dentist
May 31, 2019
What does slight infection mean? Unfortunately more information is needed here in order to give an informed opinion. I have had patients with sinus related problems, that had referred pain to their teeth, that was exacerbated when they performed physical exercise. I still think a recent x-ray is need to provide more information. Doesn't help to speculate.

Aug 2, 2020
Hubby still in pain with mouth. Since last on here he had a front bottom tooth out and a bridge fitted but this hasn’t solved the issue.

He is still in pain the dentist couldn’t find anything and referred him to the maxiofacial dept at the hospital he eventually got a cancellation in January and has since been waiting on a cone scan which his appointment is in a couple of weeks but we are not convinced it will show anything. He then has to wait another month for his appointment to go back to see the consultant who is not convinced that it relates to facial issues. So 9 months on we are still no closer to solving the issue and stuck in between with Dentist saying facial and facial saying must be dental.

He has been on carmazapine which didn’t work and now been on duxlotine for 7 weeks but no sign of relief at present plus side effects are pretty much outweighing any benefit that may occur.

He is on high blood pressure medication and has read about calcium versions of this could be connected to tooth pain but no one seems to be interested in this. The tooth /mouth pain started afound 3 months after starting the blood pressure tablets. We have constantly thought it was starting running that triggered it but now we are wondering. We are so much at s loss with things we are just questioning everything.


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