Xray Opinion

Feb 28, 2024
Hello! I posted here back in March regarding tooth #2. I got a huge filling removed and replaced and Ribond was added. I felt off for a long time and it was more than just being achy--my sleep was off and my mood was affected as well (I felt down). Well I got the work done in Feb and in April things started to level out. However, I still get random aches and discomfort above the tooth (2 out of 10 pain scale). So, I went back to the dentist in May and he examined the tooth and did a basic xray. He said that, according to the xray, there appears to be nerve inflammation. He wanted to do a CBCT but they charge $450! Can any dentists check this current xray? Is it possible its abscessed? He did not offer any other help and still insists on waiting...
john xray May 2024 omit.jpg

Dr M

Verified Dentist
May 31, 2019
Can't see any clear abscess on the tooth, but it does seem like the filling is very deep and most likely touching the mesial horn of the pulp or nerve chamber. In such a case, the inflammation becomes irreversible, which might lead to future root canal treatment. A CBCT scan might not be a bad idea, since it tells you a lot more detail about the anatomy of the tooth. Root canal treatments on molars can sometimes be very difficult. Even in an extraction case, that tooth might be a difficult one, since it appears that the tooth has roots that are in the maxillary sinus.

Feb 28, 2024
Can't see any clear abscess on the tooth, but it does seem like the filling is very deep and most likely touching the mesial horn of the pulp or nerve chamber. In such a case, the inflammation becomes irreversible, which might lead to future root canal treatment. A CBCT scan might not be a bad idea, since it tells you a lot more detail about the anatomy of the tooth. Root canal treatments on molars can sometimes be very difficult. Even in an extraction case, that tooth might be a difficult one, since it appears that the tooth has roots that are in the maxillary sinus.
Thanks! So basically just wait still? Is it possible it will heal up and be ok? Or should I just go ahead and get it out of get the root canal? I'm just tired of messing with this tooth. It's been 4 months 😢


Dr M

Verified Dentist
May 31, 2019
I would wait until the pain is more than a 2 out of 10. It is normal to have some sensitivity with a deep filling such as that.


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