Wisdom teeth please help

Nov 23, 2024
Hi guys,
I am in my late 30's and at my annual clean I mentioned to my dentist that
my gum at the back was a bit sore and throbbing and he said I needed to have my wisdom teeth removed. I was shocked
because I figured my time for wisdom teeth troubles were
behind me,

I went to an oral surgeon who said my case was one of the worst he had seen and I needed all x4 teeth out under GA with a x2 night stay in hospital. He mentioned a 1 in 10,000
chance of some numbness temporary or permanent due to the severity of my case but didn't really go into deal.

Anyway, 7 days ago I had all 4 extracted, it was awful. The pain has improved but the right side of my tounge feels numb, tingling, burning and feels so uncomfortable. I know the surgeon warned me of this but now I am terrified. I cant talk the same, I am a singer, and now I can not sing anymore
The surgeon doesn't seem to care and said it may or may not

Is this my forever now? Did I make the biggest mistake of my
life? I'm feeling suicidal...help


Will my toungue and speech return to normal and was the
surgery necessary or did I make a huge mistake?

Please be kind, my mental health is really struggling
Nov 23, 2024



Verified Dentist
Mar 18, 2018
Certainly not the worst teeth I've seen, but that aside...
I certainly agree that they required removal, so that part of it is not a mistake.
There are 2 main nerves to worry about when extracting wisdom teeth - the IAN Inferior Alveolar Nerve (supplying teeth and lower lip) and the lingual (supplying tongue). On your Xray, I have arrowed the IAN, and your treatment was well away from that nerve, but the lingual n can't be seen on an Xray.
The lingual nerve is often very close to the surface of the gum, just on the inside of the wisdom tooth. With care, the nerve is usually protected during the extraction by putting a metal retactor between the tooth and the gum, thus if the tooth is being drilled out, then the drill can bang the metal but the nerve is protected. Sometimes, by protecting the nerve in this way it is stretched a little and may be numb for 2-4 weeks after the operation, but it will recover. Has happened to my patients a few times.
Your case sounds like the nerve was physically damaged by a scalpel blade or bur. This can be bad as they are difficult to repair.
Your surgeon should schedule you for follow-ups and testing to see if repair of the nerve is needed. Whilst it may be difficult to prove negligence during the operation, it would be negligent to not follow-up and arrange further surgery if needed. There is only a short window of opportunity to do this.
Please see attached articles and diagrams. Take these to surgeon and discuss ASAP, or get 2nd opinion elsewhere. Please write back here. Best of luck.


  • 1000020826.jpg
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  • Risk_of_lingual_nerve_injuries_in_removal_of_mandi.pdf
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  • 0235 10-06 Trigeminal-inferior alveolar-lingual nerve trauma and repair_Jones (ADJ)_Part1.pdf
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  • 0235 10-06 Trigeminal-inferior alveolar-lingual nerve trauma and repair_Jones (ADJ)_Part2.pdf
    635.4 KB · Views: 4

Nov 23, 2024
Wow thank you very much for such a caring a detailed response.

Would you say that because I have some sensation and tingling that there is more chance of a bruising injury rather than a severing of the nerve? I have not lost taste or touch it's more diminished.

My surgeon has no explanation for me, no advice, nor any compassion for my condition. I don't blame him, as you've said above the nerve isn't to be seen on xray and such.
Do you suggest I consult a different oral surgeon for further mapping and management of this lingual nerve injury? Is this malpractice on his behalf that he is not managing this unfortunate complication what so ever?


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