What's common or normal when replacing a crown with decay between the crown and gum

Jun 9, 2021
I recently changed dentists because my awesome dentist is not in network anymore and my share is above 50% now. My new dentist is very nice, as is the office etc. However this is my experience with having the old crown replaced and a temporary molar placed, so far.

1. I had to sign a Crown release of liability form that said the crown could end up being swallowed and other things. Never have I encountered this before
2. Shot hurt more than any shot in 40 years.
3. Could not get the crown off, so he had to break it. Tiny pieces went into the area. I was laying almost horizontal and afraid some would go down my throat like a little water did.
4. He filled the tooth nub below the gum just a little and said the cap would have to go lower and might irritate the gum. If so, the gum might have to be lowered.
5. They got glue residue around the area where they worked.
6. The temporary molar is so rough on the sides it feels like a barnacle.
7. I was told to go into the restroom and wipe off my lips as they got cement on my lips
8. His hand seemed slightly shaky when he was working on me.

Are all these things pretty standard or would they be reason to loose confidence in this new dentist?

Dr M

Verified Dentist
May 31, 2019
Good day

A temporary crown or in rare cases, the permanent crown, can come loose due to various factors and if this happens when you are sleeping, you might swallow it. This is just part of his informed consent process.
Not all injections feel the same. They are sometimes operator and technique sensitive.
Old crowns sometimes need to be drilled through and broken in order to remove them. Not all crowns can be removed intact. The dentist or assistant would have used high volume suction to suck up all the broken pieces.
If there was decay that had to be filled, the crown can't have margins that rest on filling material. It has to rest on solid tooth structure and has to allow for adequate ferrule effect. This means that sometimes the crown margin has to go below the gum line and in certain case crown lengthening has to be done, where the ' gum line ' is re-positioned.
Temporary fillings or crowns can sometimes be rough. If it hurts you, go back to the dentist for more polishing. This is not how the permanent crown is going to feel like.
Temporary cement can sometimes be messy, as well as the impression taking process. It is a good thing that he allowed you to clean your face where his hands might have touched, before you left the practice.

I would not lose confidence in this new dentist as yet.


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