Treatment option for broken front tooth
If a small portion of tooth is broken off and chipped, then dental bonding can be done to restore the tooth but if much of tooth structure is broken, then dental crown is given. Dental crown will provide strength to the tooth and will reinforce the weakened tooth structure. Before getting dental crown, you can get root canal treatment done for the tooth to avoid any problem later on. If tooth is weak, then post and core procedure should also be done before giving dental crown to provide strength to the tooth. If dental bonding is done for broken tooth, then it will eventually fracture in some time and will not last long. You can get porcelain dental crown for your broken tooth which is quite aesthetic. Porcelain dental crowns are bit expensive and if you can’t afford porcelain dental crowns, then you can get porcelain fused to metal dental crowns. PFM dental crowns are also tooth colored but they are not as esthetic as porcelain dental crowns. Get treatment done for your broken tooth asap before it breaks further. By the time, you get treatment done for broken tooth; avoid eating anything from broken tooth and maintain good oral hygiene to avoid any secondary infections.