Tooth pain when eating after filling

Jun 18, 2018
So I was having no pain at all but my dentist wanted to fill 4 teeth as I had developed “pits” in them. They were quite shallow fillings but he needed to drill out a small filling in one of the teeth (bottom molar) make a long story short this is the problem tooth now.

I had these fillings almost 3 1/2 weeks ago. Since I was having pain with on of them my dentist redid the filling...that was 10 days ago. It got a little better but I am still having pain when biting on and off (doesn’t happen every time), cold and hot sensitivity on and off (not always). I also am having jaw pain and I do have tmj.

I have seen 2 dentists and both believe this will clear up and I have to give it time. They also suggested I get a night guard as the reason I needed the pits filled was due to grinding and clenching. They think this is the issue. I have never had anything like this so it is certainly frustrating.

Anyone have any input?

I appreciate it!


Verified Dentist
Jun 14, 2018
I can understand your frustration. Any drilling to teeth will cause 2 problems. First is sensitivity because of the trauma to the nerve (pulp) of the teeth and the second problem is it weakens the teeth depending on the size of the filling. Drilling is very traumatic because it causes a lot of damaging heat against the teeth. That is why water spray during drilling is very important. Dramatic temperature change from heat to cold water can inflame the nerve. Once the filling is placed, it can change the person's bite. When a person is anesthetized, that person may not bite the same during bite verification. Also as the person is laying flat in the dental chair, the bite may be different as opposed to being upright.

I tell my patients after fillings to minimize cold beverages and foods because the teeth will be sensitive to them. The bite must be comfortable or it will cause unending problems. Bite guards can be very helpful for your TMJ pain. When your jaw is at rest, you teeth are about 0.5 cm/0.25 inch apart. When you clench, your TMJ and muscles are stressed. Bite guards can stabilize and rest your TMJ and muscles similar to a knee brace.

Nov 19, 2019
Hi Doc

Yes I am glad to read a dentis being so honest and straightforward about the simple facts of trauma to teeth
during restorative work.
We as patients dont realize just what the teeth go through when work is done on them. I think this is also why i get so anxiety ridden each and every time i go in, its like an instinct to protect my teeth and its so hard on them..the drill, the anesthesia, the cold water, pulling prying, clamping etc. not to mention the poor gums..
And if you already have really sensitive teeth then its just worse.
But i wanted to thank you for being so candid about the reality in the dental chair


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