About a year ago, I burned my tongue (Literally from smoking a tobacco pipe one time, and it was the first time I ever smoked! And has been the only time since) somehow a piece of the burning tobacco fell onto the tip of my tongue and burned it. Ever since then I noticed the tip of my tongue actually had a tear/ slight piece missing, I can't believe this could happen, I thought for sure it would heal by now, but it has not and there is a slight rip in the tip of it and I cant stand seeing it. Is it possible to have an oral surgeon or dentist stitch this to mend it? I know this isn't an ordinary situation, at least not that I'm aware of. I really just want to have my tongue without this nuisance. I don't think this was there before the incident, or that I just noticed it when burning my tongue, does anyone else have slight tear/gap in the very tip of tongue to the bottom part of the tip? It is mostly noticeable when I move my tongue, I can see it. Insight is greatly appreciated. (Posted this on oral surgery but no response, thought I'd see if I could obtain help on this section).
Thank You.
About a year ago, I burned my tongue (Literally from smoking a tobacco pipe one time, and it was the first time I ever smoked! And has been the only time since) somehow a piece of the burning tobacco fell onto the tip of my tongue and burned it. Ever since then I noticed the tip of my tongue actually had a tear/ slight piece missing, I can't believe this could happen, I thought for sure it would heal by now, but it has not and there is a slight rip in the tip of it and I cant stand seeing it. Is it possible to have an oral surgeon or dentist stitch this to mend it? I know this isn't an ordinary situation, at least not that I'm aware of. I really just want to have my tongue without this nuisance. I don't think this was there before the incident, or that I just noticed it when burning my tongue, does anyone else have slight tear/gap in the very tip of tongue to the bottom part of the tip? It is mostly noticeable when I move my tongue, I can see it. Insight is greatly appreciated. (Posted this on oral surgery but no response, thought I'd see if I could obtain help on this section).
Thank You.