Hello Everyone.
I am hoping someone on this forum would guide me in a right way. I had my bottom left wisdom tooth extracted 2 weeks ago. The extracted part was healed and it's fine now. However the tooth next to the extracted wisdom tooth is very loose and painful with red gums. It was in good condition before the wisdom tooth extraction. I went to dentist today and he told me that it has to be removed. Also the one on the top has to be removed too. He said he can't do bridges to the bottom second molar because I don't have any support next to it. That is why he is suggesting to remove the affected bottom second molar and the healthy top molar. I was not happy and convinced with removing of both top and bottom molars. I really appreciate your thoughts here. Thanks a lot for reading this post.
I am hoping someone on this forum would guide me in a right way. I had my bottom left wisdom tooth extracted 2 weeks ago. The extracted part was healed and it's fine now. However the tooth next to the extracted wisdom tooth is very loose and painful with red gums. It was in good condition before the wisdom tooth extraction. I went to dentist today and he told me that it has to be removed. Also the one on the top has to be removed too. He said he can't do bridges to the bottom second molar because I don't have any support next to it. That is why he is suggesting to remove the affected bottom second molar and the healthy top molar. I was not happy and convinced with removing of both top and bottom molars. I really appreciate your thoughts here. Thanks a lot for reading this post.