Question about recession on bottom front teeth

Jul 22, 2024

Hello! I am a bit concerned about potential gum recession on my bottom front teeth. I had a dentist appointment about a month ago, and they said my gums looked healthy and everything seemed fine. Since the appointment, I feel my gums have receded slightly in my bottom front teeth. I know this isn't likely to be periodontal disease, as I have a good home care routine and my gums do not bleed when I floss in the slightest. Though I have grinded my teeth in the past, I was given a night guard six months ago to hopefully prevent any future damage. As such, I'm confused why I'm getting recession. I know my gums are thin in this area as well, which scares me quite a bit. I have a few questions.

1) Does my recession look particularly bad? I don't experience any pain and no roots are showing, but I can definitely see that the lengths of the front teeth are uneven here.

2) What could be causing this? It can't be periodontitis or tooth grinding, and I don't believe I'm brushing too hard either. I use an electric toothbrush with a pressure sensor, and the sensor never activates when I brush. Could it be the fact that my teeth are somewhat crooked? I've also heard that the frenulum can have something to do with this as well.

3) Are there any options to potentially remedy the thinness of my gums? I know gum grafts exist, but I'm not sure if that's something feasible.

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