I have a cracked molar and the dentist put on a crown (a gold one as he said they last longer) and this crown hasn't helped hugely to fix the discomfort i get when i eat hard food on it. He said there's no much else he can do short of a RCT, but he said i can either get that or just put up with the discomfort as he thinks the crown will support the tooth. The discomfort i can put up with (it's not terrible). However he said my bite is no good and that it is causing my molars to crack. He said the molar above my crowned molar is also "looking bad" and the crown is only buying time.
So he suggested i get braces which will (apparently) fix my bite and change the pressure points on my molars. Is he correct? Also will the white braces work just as well (I'm quite vain, not sure i want those all-steel braces)
So he suggested i get braces which will (apparently) fix my bite and change the pressure points on my molars. Is he correct? Also will the white braces work just as well (I'm quite vain, not sure i want those all-steel braces)