I am 34 years old. Two years ago I had my bottom right wisdom tooth extracted following several episodes of pericoronitis. There have been no issues on that side since. However, on several occasions this year I have experienced pericoronitis in all of my 3 remaining wisdom teeth. My dentist says they have all grown out fully so there is no reason to extract them. I also brush and floss very carefully around the wisdom teeth, and even use a water flosser after every single meal. Yet still I have recurrent episodes of pericoronitis where the gum swells, is painful and bleeds. I often experience this on one upper wisdom tooth first, and shortly after the other upper wisdom tooth is affected too. I don’t understand why this has suddenly started happening this year despite good hygiene. I thought there might be a connection between my sinuses/ lymphatic drainage and this problem, as the glands on the roof of my mouth at the back often feel sore (even when I have no pericoronitis) and I do often experience sinus issues at the same time, however my dentist doesn’t believe there is any connection. Grateful for some guidance please as I am not sure what to do.