I had four fillings put in last week. I immediately noticed slight nerve pain in one tooth (number 15 I think) whenever I use it to chew. I waited a few days and it was the same. I went back to my dentist today and they adjusted the area so the bite isn't as intense, but after eating lunch today the pain is still there when using that tooth to chew. My dentist ignored my question of if it's normal to have slight nerve pain after certain fillings. So, my question is, is it normal to have nerve pain as described after getting a filling? Can the nerves up there get inflamed? I am unsure if I should wait another week or so to see if the pain goes away, or if I need to go back to my dentist.
I had four fillings put in last week. I immediately noticed slight nerve pain in one tooth (number 15 I think) whenever I use it to chew. I waited a few days and it was the same. I went back to my dentist today and they adjusted the area so the bite isn't as intense, but after eating lunch today the pain is still there when using that tooth to chew. My dentist ignored my question of if it's normal to have slight nerve pain after certain fillings. So, my question is, is it normal to have nerve pain as described after getting a filling? Can the nerves up there get inflamed? I am unsure if I should wait another week or so to see if the pain goes away, or if I need to go back to my dentist.