Pain 2 months after filling.... help Please!

Jun 7, 2018
  1. I had 2 fillings done two months ago. One was sensitive to cold before the filling and it has been giving me pain ever since the procedure. He said it was super routine and not near the nerve. He said the filling might be a little high and told me to return with any issues.

    It is now very painful to eat/drink cold things on that side, but no lingering pain. My jaws don’t seem to line up the same anymore. Also I now am slightly sensitive to hot things and chewing on that side.

    Because of my fear of dentists I have waited TWO MONTHS before going back in with these issues. I asked him to check the filling height and he said it was fine. He also said I should get a ROOT CANAL

    Could it still be that the filling height is too high??? I really feel like this is the problem but he says no.
Dec 6, 2017
go to another (reputable) dentist, tell them the tooth is giving you pain, do not go into the history and ask whether there is any indication that it needs root treatment. Ask them to check the bite. It should not cost much to have such an examination.

If the filling is too high you should be able to feel it in your jaw muscle on one side. The muscle will be tensing more on the higher side when you clench. If it feels high then it usually is.

Which teeth did you have filled ? (upper/lower, molar/premolar?) Were they both on one side and was it composite or amalgam?

Jun 7, 2018
Thank you so much for your reply!! I have been contemplating going to have another dentist take a look so I really appreciate that suggestion. I agree that would probably be best at this point. I do have one more appointment with my doctor after I finish the antibiotics he prescribed me (he said it might resolve the issue, but I’m not really sure why he thinks that because he said there was no sign of infection on the x-ray). At this last appointment I will see if I can get him to check my bite.

Both fillings were in the upper second premolar. One on the left side and one on the right. The right side is giving me pain while the left is only mildly sensitive to cold and sweets. They were composite fillings.

Today I have been trying to check how the bite feels (clenching teeth) and now I’m having pain in the upper second premolar (where cavity was filled) and the matching tooth on the bottom. I’m also having pain that radiates into my jaw and ear region. It is not super painful but annoying.

If it is high (which I think it is) then it’s not very high. It doesn’t make my bite severely abnormal but just enough where I seem to hold my mouth different. Also, I noticed immediately after the appointment that the filling was rough and jagged and a small piece broke off the day it was done. I remember complaining to my husband that it was driving me bonkers because it felt so weird after the anesthesia wore off but over the last 2 months I’ve kind of gotten used to it.
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Jun 7, 2018
The weird thing is when he was doing the filling he told me how it was a super ROUTINE filling and would have been the perfect model for dental school. Said it was nowhere near the nerve.

And when I went in with the tooth pain he said it was a very strange case but the symptoms sounded like they needed root canal. I’m just worried that we jumped so quickly to root canal for a tooth that is giving me some minor pain.



Verified Dentist
Mar 18, 2018
Maybe try some desensitising toothpaste. If they're upper 2nd premolars, then consider changing to amalgams; no-one will see them. Composites can easily have post-op sensitivity symptoms like you describe. I agree that jumping to an RCT is over the top unless simpler options have been tried.

Feb 11, 2019
I am exactly have the same issues now .
It's been 9 months after my fillings and I still have many issues with that.
I went to a new dentist today to check that. I am having pain in my left side jaw joint near ear. New dentist didn't tell me the reason for the pain and told me to replace my fillings with root canal or crown at the upper back tooth.

Feb 11, 2019
Did you also have composite fillings?

Never have a root canal without a second or even third opinion.
Yes. Composite fillings.
I am so worried about that now. I just went in today for a consultation with another new dentist. She said the root canal may require to stop the pain near the jaws.


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