Oral thrush possibly, 0 effects 7 days on daktarin oral gel, what to do?

Mar 12, 2025
Female, 35 years old, 60kg, 173cm, relatively healthy, no known diseases, blood work all fine. Had low ferritin 12 - fixed with iron infusion. B12, other vitamins in place all good.
3 months ago started burning mouth feeling, then it changed to irritated sometimes after cytrus or spicy. It looked inflammed with geographic areas, no white spots. We did 2 oral swabs - both negative for fungus or bacterial infections. I visited all possible doctors - nobody knows what is it.
Now, with time the change is - when I wake up in the morning my tongue gets some red marks with white border, some of that can be scraped away, some of those not. I also get migrating irritated (red) areas on my inner cheeks.
I tried everything before, then 3 weeks ago I tried 3 days of daktarin gel (decidedto give it a shot). Didn't seam to help, so I stopped it. Now a week ago I noticed white areas on my tongue, and started daktarin oral gel again. Did it 7 days - no effect. My symptoms are - when I wake up my saliva is whitish and the tongue as well. As soon as I basically drink water and gargle - all goes away for entire day. No coating, no nothing.. just my tongue still feels irritated. Nobody knows what is it.
What should I do next? Stop daktarin oral continue?

Dr M

Verified Dentist
May 31, 2019
You need to use the daktarin oral gel for at least 2 weeks. Alternatively you can use Nystatin Oral Suspension and rinse with that, 4 to 5 times a day for 2 weeks as well.


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