
Oct 4, 2024
I have been diagnosed with a buccal fistula. Tooth # 21 . Had a bump on my gum and moderate pain when I ate a “hard” food (steak, pretzel) for 2 weeks then pain disappeared. Dentist thought it could be from a fractured tooth but could not definitively tell from X-ray. Suggested a wait and see. 4-5 months later I returned for cleaning/checkup. There was a bump with a white pus head in area where bump had been. Dentist Said it was infection trying to escape. Still no pain.
He referred me to a periodontist who concurred with dentist diagnosis- still from same x-ray from May.
He recommended that I have tooth extracted and get implant
Cost including crown about $6,000
I am 74 years old and have trouble justifying that expense for a tooth that is not bothering me.

I know I need to get rid of infection - is there any way of getting rid of infection with out extraction e.g. antibiotics and then see what develops??

I know I asked if I needed implant in previous thread but my real question are there options without extraction- is it possible fractured tooth diagnosis is not correct ? They can’t tell from Xray

Thank you

Dr M

Verified Dentist
May 31, 2019
Antibiotics is not a solution to the problem. Antibiotics stays in your system for about 2-4 weeks and the infection can return at any time. The longer you leave it, the more bone gets destroyed in the process. The only alternative is to attempt a root canal. If the crack is only in the top portion of the tooth and did not penetrate the pulp floor or a root, then the tooth can perhaps be saved. I would consult an endodontist with regards to this. They will most likely take a 3D scan of the tooth.


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