I'm from Texas, and, i am 24 Male. I have a fear of dentists, it started 12 years ago when one of them ended up slicing the roof of my mouth open requiring stitches, though, i know he did not do it on purpose. Skip ahead a year and another one outright told me to leave his office accusing me of being on drugs, so i went and got blood tests randomly for a year to prove i wasn't on them (besides i was only 13). I found another dentist anyway and he has been kind but says he is unable to work on my teeth and reccomended i go to a maxillofacial surgeon which i did and have since had most of my teeth removed (13 left) i need to have them all removed. They say i have little enamel or something as my wisdom teeth came in sponge-like and squishy, currently my teeth have rotted below the gumline but i no longer have the funds to have them removed one more year of saving and i can have some more removed. I do not smoke or drink, there are two dentists in my town one of them (the one who refused me when i was younger) and the one who reccomended me. I am curious about ways to keep infection down, as it stands i rinse and gargle three times a day with warm salt water, i can no longer brush as it causes intense pain but i do use mouthwash as well. Any tips on keeping infection away for awhile? tired of taking antibiotics all the time.
Nice to meet you all.
Edit: Sorry about the typo in the title -_-
Nice to meet you all.
Edit: Sorry about the typo in the title -_-
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