Nervous about my future dental health!

Feb 20, 2025
I am 24 and have a lot of dental work done in my life. My parents never taught me how to do oral hygiene. My dad has dentures at 43 and my mom has many implants, she is also 43. I recently graduated and got a decently high paying job. I just finished a treatment plan with my general dentist and endodontist. All my cavities were filled and crowns placed on. I had 6 root canals that were treated and crowned and a few other teeth that were crowned on top. Also an implant on 7. (My 4 upper front teeth were damaged due to a injury). My bottom teeth just have cavities but no crowns/root canals but I am missing my first molar on both sides but have my 2nd and 3rd. My molars got yanked when i was about 11 because my parents didn't wanna pay to have them fixed. I just went to the ortho to asked about treatment to upright my molars for implants on bottom and he said I should consultant with a perio first since I have gum recession in front. The last few years I have took great care and have a good routine, Flossing and water pik every night, mouthwash, and brushing twice a day. My gums don't bleed and look pink but still have some bad recession. I am hoping the perio can help. I have health anxiety and worry about the negative effects this will have on my health especially all the xrays for my treatment plan and my tooth health with all the root canals. I will probably need ful implants on top one day or dentures but worried about what comes with that. Any way you guys can easy my mind? or give me some advice/words of encouragement?

Dr M

Verified Dentist
May 31, 2019
Don't worry about all the x-rays. Modern digital x-rays don't have any real effect on your general health, due to the low amounts of radiation emitted.
It does sound like you are taking your oral health seriously and that you are already on the right path. I would suggest going for the consult with the periodontist. It is not to say that there is something serious to worry about ( although my opinion is based only on what you said ).
If the lower teeth are in a good enough condition, it is also not to say that you definitely need 2 implants. Most people get by with normal function, especially if they still have 2 healthy molars in the mouth on either side.
Do you perhaps have any x-rays you could share?


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