loose crown problem

Apr 26, 2014
Following an accident where I crushed my face and broke my palette and many teeth, I have 2 implants and 13 crowns. Many, but not all of the crowns have had root canals. Bottom right, second from the back, I have a loose crown. I tried to jiggle it off to wash it and re seat it with some temporary glue, but it won't come off. In looking at it, there is a gray spot that looks like a filling so I am wondering if it is one of the teeth where they drilled through the crown for a root canal. If that is the case, can the crown actually pop off? How can I tell if it indeed had a root canal? I will be in touch with my dentist after the weekend, but I want to minimize any further damage to the tooth underneath. Thanks k in advance for any advice!
Apr 2, 2014
An x-ray is required to know if the tooth already has a root canal. Crowns normally stay in place securely but it is possible for them to come off. Many times it can be cleaned and re-cemented. If the tooth under the crown is fractured you may need a new crown. Be sure to schedule your dental appointment soon so you know what's going on for sure.


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