Is my life over?

Dec 26, 2024
Has anyone gone through hellish dental experiences? I have a injured jaw, gums had to have 6 root canals and crowns due to damaged lower teeth. My gums are still bruised and I have recession on two spots, its so bad i have to out wax. There is gum injured, missing and pulled away from where it needs to be. Struggling bad to adjust to crowns! Noting down issues and using wax on problem spots. I am using gengigel to heal gums and other remedies, but I am almost sure i will need gum graphs. I feel this nightmare of last years failed partial process procedure wont end until I adjust to my crowns and get all my teeth fixed and gums graphed. I even have a jaw injury since I have tmj. My jaw clicks on the right it seems to pop a bit out of place when i open wide. I will do massage and heat to try to get it to heal. My anxiety has been out of control. I have gotten so desperate ive gone to affordable dentures, almost yanking my teeth. They made me a horrible temporary upper that i returned for refund and I realized the mistake i was making! I am surviving with wax and trying to stay busy. I get thoughts my lifes over and my mouth is so compromised I just find it so hard to think. So many issues can be fixed?! An old doctor is helping me, but im struggling to hang on, now going onto second year of suffering. I get thoughts my lifes ruined and over! Anyone else can encourage and share of theyve been screwed over by dentists.etc so I dont feel so alone? I lack family support, so its hard when you dont get that push or motivation to keep going. I have a daughter to live for, but I feel all is lost. I have a huge black triangle in one spot and nexto it and i survive with wax there. I would love to get that gum fixed again. Im hoping i can get the crowns reshaped to lessen the gap or maybe bonding. But ultimately my goal is to get my mouth feeling better again but it seems there is so much damage! Is my life over, please help! 😭😭😭 Is there HOPE?

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