I had a tooth that has been killing me on and off for months. Well I was eating some curry the other day and feel it start to peel apart on the outside..and now there is a HUGE jagged end to the tooth (cutting into my tongue BTW) Well i had to change dentist due to insurance changes. The dentist told me it could be saved with a root canal (not quite sure I believe that, since its hollow in the middle, but I'm not the professional) He wants me to have a deep clean / periodontal appointment before I even get a root canal (I have a bad infection as well) My concern is, one the tooth jabbing into my tongue, two, the root canal isn't scheduled for almost 2 months, and 3 , what if my tooth cracks and breaks within those 2 months. Does this dentist sound right to you? I'm seriously thinking of getting a second opinion, or seeing if anyone can take care of it sooner. I am concerned about loosing my tooth! Thank you.