I have top right incisor missing; since I was 8 I am now 35... and I am in a position now where I can address this; I definitely have bone loss, there is no doubt about that; I also have really wide gaps in the rest of my upper teeth; I do not want to get braces- if I was going to do it I should nave done it 20 years ago
My question: is there a way to put the veneers without the implant?!? has anyone ever heard of such an abomination?
If not I know the alternative... can anyone give me feedback on their experience with implants on patients with bone loss?
thank you
My question: is there a way to put the veneers without the implant?!? has anyone ever heard of such an abomination?
If not I know the alternative... can anyone give me feedback on their experience with implants on patients with bone loss?
thank you