Dec 26, 2024
Plan B is next likely, complete nightmare with my teeth to the point i dont want to try anymore i may still try with some places some have suggested, but my final plan is plan b with affordable to get a full upper with bone graphs and a lower snapin with 4 implants. (Already have 2 in lower back) My mental anguish and suffering have reached a critical point where i feel letting my teeth go would be best. The teeth are not in good shape anymore, decaying, root canals and crowns and only 5 upper teeth. Some say to save them while I can but i have reached a serious breakdown now continuing this path. I feel i need to move onto plan b. New lower crowns put in after the root canals are provoking me mad anxiety. After first adjustments there are now gaps where my tongue is catching inbetween the teeth, i have to put wax to calm down because anxiety hits rock high. I caught this issue yesterday, things are not getting better. It seems the more i try, the worse it gets. My mental health is at stake i am losing my mind and my heart tells me to let these teeth go. Sure im scared some telling me of the full denture struggles, afraid itll turn out bad, that ill completely lose it then. But i see more hope with that as eventually people adjust and live normal lives. If i continue this path things are only getting worse! I cant do this anymore! Im surviving with wax on these new crowns because when my tongue catches, I get mad anxiety, i also lack family support. I have had nightmare after nightmare with my teeth throughout my life. I cant do this anymore. I feel letting my teeth go will save my life and sanity. Please help!

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