I haven't been to a dentist in a long time (over 10 years) and have had a lump on the roof of my mouth for over 10 years. I've never really paid it much attention and as far as I'm aware it's been there since my teens but lately after watching something to do with mouth/throat cancer I have had a lot of anxiety and it's starting to worry me. I have googled endlessly (probably a bad idea) and have managed to scare myself but not really find an answer as to what it is on the roof of my mouth. I'm so worried I have some sort of mouth cancer or sinus cancer and my anxiety is so bad over it.
It's slightly hard but not rock hard and feels like a ball and is the size of a bb pellet. It is not painful and only becomes a little tender if I poke it around a lot or eat something hard that makes the roof of my mouth a little tender.
I have attached a picture, please let me know what you think it could be? I am hoping to see a dentist once the pandemic is over.
Thank you so much to anyone who replies!
I haven't been to a dentist in a long time (over 10 years) and have had a lump on the roof of my mouth for over 10 years. I've never really paid it much attention and as far as I'm aware it's been there since my teens but lately after watching something to do with mouth/throat cancer I have had a lot of anxiety and it's starting to worry me. I have googled endlessly (probably a bad idea) and have managed to scare myself but not really find an answer as to what it is on the roof of my mouth. I'm so worried I have some sort of mouth cancer or sinus cancer and my anxiety is so bad over it.
It's slightly hard but not rock hard and feels like a ball and is the size of a bb pellet. It is not painful and only becomes a little tender if I poke it around a lot or eat something hard that makes the roof of my mouth a little tender.
I have attached a picture, please let me know what you think it could be? I am hoping to see a dentist once the pandemic is over.
Thank you so much to anyone who replies!