Im at the end of my dental ordeal, screwed by many dentists. Last long term one being the most recent with a failed partial denture procedure. I have damaged teeth, poorly gums and jaw and a poorly fitting upper. Recessed gums near lower teeth and upper gum that is peeling. I needed 6 emergency root canals and crowns done on lower teeth due to damage. 3 other lower molars got scratched after this work and my tmj began getting aggravated I am Having so many issues with these new crowns. Rough gliding areas and a current old doctor that is helping is not listening to big concerns. Each time adjustments are made, things are worse. I survive with wax on these crowns. On the rough area where tongue cant move and on the deep triangle gap between 2 crowns where gum is recessed due to injury. This has turned into an emergency and I feel its time to let this doctor that is refusing to listen go as well. Dentists now FINISHED me off. Im certain its time to fix my damaged gums and get all these remaining teeth extracted that are causing me this immense anguish! The failed partials process was a year and now im onto year #2 with things getting worse. I cant be putting wax forever, my gums are going to give in. I put in 2 complaints and a refund request thru medi cal for this doctor. And im ready to let them go next week! A friends dentist is coming to see me next week, he does all type of work. He seems more understanding of my condition. I feel snapons would be a viable solution. Sure some are happy some are not, but in the critical state im in i feel that as long as i find the Right dentist to help me it will work out. My teeth are not worth saving