Do my veneers look natural?

Jun 24, 2024
I just had 8 porcelain veneers placed a week ago. Veneers is something I’ve wanted for well over a decade. But put it off due to the permanence of the decision.

So a little back story, I had braces as a teen and I had poor oral hygiene. As a result, my teeth had severe white spots that could not be removed and was causing cavities and holes to form in my teeth, especially my bottom teeth. I eventually decided to do bonding/fillings as a cheap and temporary fix. Bonding was great for the short term but eventually starting chipping and staining, and was causing me to get cavities in between my teeth, and the bonding was so prone to plaque build up. After years of being unsatisfied with the condition of my teeth I finally decided to get veneers. After speaking with a top rated cosmetic dentist, who felt that would be the best option longterm I finally decided to go through with it. My choice to get veneers wasn’t purely cosmetic and if my teeth did not have all the issues it had, I would never get veneers. Nothing is better than natural teeth in my opinion. My journey to getting veneers has been a very emotional one. I have cried a lot during the whole process, especially after seeing my real teeth shaved to nubs, realizing I could never get my real teeth back. Also, that I will forever be tethered to a dentist for more expensive dental work in the future.

When it came to my veneers I wanted a very natural look. Not a bright white Hollywood smile. I wanted my veneers to be molded from my original teeth. I just wanted a more polished version of my old smile. Overall, I feel like I got that. And most people I know that I’ve encountered can’t even tell I got any work done. (Atleast that I know of) The shape and color is great. But something still feels very off to me. I’m not a fan of how opaque they are, they just look one dimensional, and too shiny. There isn’t any translucency, or natural tooth texture either. The other issue is when I left the dentist office I noticed one central incision to be discolored and appearing more yellow than my surrounding veneers. I brought that concern up with my dentist and she offered to replace that veneer at my follow up if necessary.

So I’m curious to hear your options on my veneers. I will attach some before and after photos also.


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Dr M

Verified Dentist
May 31, 2019
Porcelain veneers or crowns are a very old type of technology. These days we rather go for E-Max of even high translucency zirconia. This provides a better aesthetic outcome, because it mimics the transluceny of the natural dentition better. Don't know if your dentist discussed this with you as an option?
Overall your smile still looks good. Maybe take some time to get used the feel. Your teeth won't feel the same as before and usually it takes some time to get used to it.

Jun 24, 2024
Porcelain veneers or crowns are a very old type of technology. These days we rather go for E-Max of even high translucency zirconia. This provides a better aesthetic outcome, because it mimics the transluceny of the natural dentition better. Don't know if your dentist discussed this with you as an option?
Overall your smile still looks good. Maybe take some time to get used the feel. Your teeth won't feel the same as before and usually it takes some time to get used to it.
Thank you! I really wished I would have researched a little more on the different type of veneers. Porcelain veneers are still thrown around a lot, so I always had that in the back of my mind that that’s what I would go with. I don’t believe my dentist even does those type of veneers.

Also, while you’re here I have another question. On the Bicuspid does the veneer extend too much on the biting surface? I feel like the way it’s been fitted will put me a high risk for fracture in the future.


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Dr M

Verified Dentist
May 31, 2019
It is difficult to see without checking your bite with articulation paper, to indicate where your bottom opposing tooth bites. Unfortunately all veneers are at risk of fracturing at some point.You never know when you accidentally bite into something too hard or at an awkward angle. To protect them, I usually advise my patients to consider making a bite plate or night-guard to sleep with. You can also consider this.

Jun 11, 2024
Achieving natural-looking veneers depends on several factors, such as the quality of materials used and the skill of your dentist. Admire Dental Care is known for their expertise in cosmetic dentistry, including veneers, ensuring they blend seamlessly with your natural teeth. They prioritize personalized consultations to match your preferences and facial features for a natural smile transformation. I recommend scheduling a consultation with them to discuss your concerns and explore your options for achieving the most natural-looking veneers possible.


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