I had some fillings between my front teeth for a few years now. It was slightly chipped and they got a little different in colour so I decided to see a dentist to replace those with new ones…
Well that was a mistake that I did shortly before my wedding day.
The dentist replaced the fillings alright but the colour matching is horrendous and it feels like he made the problem much bigger than it was initially.
It’s long after the wedding now but I’m still super insecure about that as these are my front teeth.
Please can someone advise me what can be done about that? Can it be still fixed while keeping my actually teeth?
Well that was a mistake that I did shortly before my wedding day.
The dentist replaced the fillings alright but the colour matching is horrendous and it feels like he made the problem much bigger than it was initially.
It’s long after the wedding now but I’m still super insecure about that as these are my front teeth.
Please can someone advise me what can be done about that? Can it be still fixed while keeping my actually teeth?