Dental insurance will not cover all costs -college student

Mar 21, 2016
my name is Lauren and I am a nursing student. I was removed from my dad's full coverage dental plan through his job because I am no longer considered a full time student credit wise,though my program is equivalent workload wise to 16-18 credits easily. Thus I have only been able to work part time as a private care giver for an elderly lady who passed away quite recently , thus leaving me unemployed at the moment and funds a running low. My moms insurancedid pick me up however it is only partial and only gives me about $2000 worth of funding for the year but that money can be easily depleted considering I need 2 root canals and wisdom tooth extraction of both bottom teeth and a crown for a recently fractured molar. Which obviously exceeds this amount. If you could help point me in the right direction as far as finding cheaper dental care I'd greatly appreciate it. I am located in Poughkeepsie,NY if that helps. Thank you so much!

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