I got a crown fitted in my upper left baby teeth (next to front teeth). which is too short as I can clearly see the gap. I questioned my dentist about this and he told me to adjust my jaw slightly so that the crown and the bottom tooth meet together which I did, even though you cannot see a gap I still have trouble trying to bite together. I feel that I have to angle my jaw slightly to compensate for the dentists blunder even though the dentist says there is nothing wrong with it.
Even when my mouth is open wide, you can see that the left and right babby teeth are different lengths and through time I've experienced pain in my upper jaw (clicking, sore inside ear) every time I close my jaw at a slight angle to compensate for the shortness of the tooth. My temporary crown before was a better length and fit.
It's ok when I close my mouth normally and chew normally, but you can quite clearly see the gap and I cannot grip. The problem only arises when I squint my jaw to compensate for the gap etc. Has anyone got any ideas on what to do or action to take?
Even when my mouth is open wide, you can see that the left and right babby teeth are different lengths and through time I've experienced pain in my upper jaw (clicking, sore inside ear) every time I close my jaw at a slight angle to compensate for the shortness of the tooth. My temporary crown before was a better length and fit.
It's ok when I close my mouth normally and chew normally, but you can quite clearly see the gap and I cannot grip. The problem only arises when I squint my jaw to compensate for the gap etc. Has anyone got any ideas on what to do or action to take?