I was just told by my dentist my #3 tooth on top right needs to be removed. I was told I could do a 3 unit bridge or a bonegraft with an implant. I'm 67 with no dental insurance. As a child I was hurt by a dentist so this problem I have scares me. I told them I must be put under before this work can be done. My concerns with the bridge are weather or not the connecting teeth can hold up long term. My #2 tooth already has a crown. I don't like the idea of cutting off a perfectly good crown just to replace it with another crown. It seems to me this is just asking for trouble. My #4 tooth seems to be OK, I don't like the idea of filing it down to accommodate another crown.Another concern is the longevity of a bridge.Im reading 5 to 7 yrs is average, 10 years or more if your lucky.For approximately $3400.00 I feel it should last longer.Even though the expense is greater I guess I am slightly leaning towards the bone graft and implant. The bone graft scares me and the healing time concerns me. I'm looking at approximately $5500.00 for this procedure. This is a lot of money when your retired living on Social Security. I am shocked that it cost this much money to fix a problem caused by 1 tooth. I would have considered not replacing the extracted tooth if it wasn't for the fact the surrounding teeth will shift. My parents paid for me to have braces when I was a child. Because of this I have always tried to maintain my teeth the best I can. With the prices that are charged today I can understand why people are walking around with missing teeth. I would like to say thank you in advance for your comments.