I am 64. After a lot of years of difficulty, my dentist has talked me into upper dentures. I have 2 upper dental implants, prior to remaining extractions. My dentist put screws, or covers in the 2 remaining implants, while he extracted all upper teeth. He said that I could decide if I want snap in upper dentures, and the 2 implants would be enough to hold them. He said I could let my gums heal for at least 6 months while I decided whether to go with 2 implants that are already there for $2000 or use suction to hold the denture, without implants for additional $1000. Wearing the upper denture over top of the upper gums with old implants that have screws in them has been painful, and I think that the implant screw keeps the denture from seating. One implant seems quit irritated. I need to go forward with my permanent upper dentures. My beginner dentures do not fit and fall out without adhesive. I am uncomfortable at this point with the dentures in or out. I need advise as to get permanent upper dentures using my 2 current implants or hope for a good fit and not use the implants. Can you give me advise on this irritating issue?